Honey and Almond Cake
Well, no sooner is this week's Cake of the Week being eaten up by our customers, here I am posting about it! I'm getting better at this blogging thing. This is a really lovely recipe, but first things first: I have to apologize to whoever came up with it originally. I can't credit them here as I found it ages ago, wrote it down in my Tome of Cakes and promptly forgot about it for months. I found it by googling 'almond cakes' and trawling through the search results for a while. So if anyone wants to find out where it came from, my advice is to do the same. It's not particularly revolutionary anyway, just a good solid foolproof recipe that is probably as old as the hills.
300g unsalted butter at room temperature
300g caster sugar
4 medium eggs
150g wholemeal self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
150g ground almonds
50g flaked almonds
4 tbsps runny honey
Grease and line a 24cm springform cake tin and preheat the oven to 170c/GM3
Cream the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy - a good five minutes in a mixer should do it
Sift together the wholemeal self-raising flour and baking powder in another bowl
Add your eggs to the creamed butter and sugar one at a time, mixing thouroughly, and adding a spoonful of the flour after each one
When fully combined, fold in the ground almonds by hand
Then sift in the remaining flour and fold in until just combined
Flop the smooth mixture into the cake tin, smooth the top and scatter the flaked almonds over (fairly) evenly
Put in the oven for around 50 minutes (definitely check on it at this time, but it might need 5 mins more)
When a skewer comes out clean, it's done
Drizzle the runny honey over the warm cake and leave it to seep in as it cools
When it's totally cool, remove from the tin and EAT IT!
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